REDZONE STICK VP: An Innovative and Effective Vapor-Permeable Air Barrier

The REDZONE STICK VP self-adhesive vapor-permeable air-barrier membrane surpasses other products on the market in several ways. This article lists six reasons to choose REDZONE STICK VP over its main competitors.
1. Optimum permeability
Given its optimum permeability, REDZONE STICK VP has an ideal water-vapor transmission performance (17 perms [ASTM E96-B] and 11 perms [ASTM E96-A]).
2. Unbeatable adhesion
An effective permeable air barrier must adhere easily to most construction surfaces. The REDZONE STICK VP membrane meets and exceeds this basic criterion with the highest adhesion values in the industry.
3. No primer needed
REDZONE STICK VP reaches the highest adhesion values without even using primer. Indeed, it was the first permeable membrane on the market that didn’t require primer.
4. Resistance to UV rays
The product can be exposed to UV light up to 180 days.
5. Valued for years
The product has been receiving high praise since its introduction to the market a few years ago. It has been well received because of its superior performance and benefits, as well as its fast and easy installation.
6. The RESISTO experience
RESISTO, a division of SOPREMA, specializes in manufacturing residential and light commercial construction products. As a major milestone in its 100-plus year history, SOPREMA created RESISTO and passed down its vast experience, superior service and unparalleled excellence in the manufacture of waterproofing and other weatherproofing materials. RESISTO is designed to meet the tough demands of today’s building requirements for weathertightness.
- Requires no primer
- Adheres better than the competition’s products
- Withstands up to 180 days of UV exposure